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Cookies policy

Cookie policy

The aforementioned cookie policy applies to the website

According to the requirements decided in the EU Directive of May 26, 2012 and the provisions of Law no. 506 of November 17, 2004 regarding the processing of personal data and the protection of every citizen in the area of electronic communications, every website visitor is asked for permission before applying cookies.

Computershop uses its own and third-party cookies in order to offer the people who visit the site a more pleasant experience by optimizing it according to the needs and interests of each user.

What are Cookies.

Cookies are small files that are stored on your device (PC, laptop, phone, tablet, etc.) that are installed automatically and without notifications following the acceptance of the request issued by the visited website. They cannot access the data on your device.

Purpose of Cookies.

The connection established following the Acceptance of Cookies creates a link of interaction between the user and the website. Thus, relevant information is presented to the user according to his preferences and easier and more accessible services can be offered to the user that bring him more comfort, displaying in an automatic manner the products that correspond to the specific requirements and needs of each user. Internal statistical reports are also prepared that help to improve the pages and content, but without specific identification of the users.

What types of Cookies are used.

Computershop uses the following types of Cookies:

  • Per Session: These are used temporarily, until the user leaves the site page.
  • Fixed: These remain on the user's device for a certain period of time or until they are manually deleted by the user.

How Cookies are used.

After accepting the Cookie Policy, they can be placed for the purpose of: web page performance, visit analysis, geotargeting, registration, for advertising and providing advertising.

Cookies DO NOT CONTAIN Personal data.

Cookies are used only for the proper functioning of the site and the display of relevant information to the user. They do not request personal information in any situation,

How to delete Cookies.

Their deletion can be done from the settings of the Browser used or the settings that communicate to the user, through notifications, when data is sent to the website being navigated.

Why are cookies important for browsing the Internet?

For the proper functioning of the Internet, these cookies are necessary to provide a more pleasant and easier experience for each user. Deactivating cookies can make some websites or pages not work.

By refusing or not accepting cookies, the website will no longer be able to take into account your wishes and preferences and will not stop online advertising.

The provision of advertising services will be carried out much easier and more targeted, displaying only the products of great interest to the client.

It is easier to follow the customer's behavior on the website and the interest in certain products.

Security and confidentiality.

Cookies are not viruses or codes that monitor the computer and data. They are formatted as plain text and are inserted only with the user's consent.

They can be used for negative purposes because they collect information about the browsing history, preferences that the user has on different websites or search engines. That is why it is recommended to delete them at intervals, especially anti-virus or anti-malware programs.

Through them, the transfer takes place between the website and the user's browser and it happens that unauthorized persons enter this data transmission process. Although it happens rarely, these incidents most often occur when the user connects to an Unsecured Wifi network. Always choose encrypted and secure networks for the best protection of personal information.

How to surf safely and responsibly.

The vast majority of websites use cookies, so deactivating them will not allow the use of websites such as: Youtube, Gmail, Yahoo and many others.

Cookie expiration dates can be selected, depending on the wishes and needs of each user, in order to be comfortable for everyone.

Upgrade your browser at regular intervals.

Most attacks based on cookies are carried out on old versions of browsers. Cookie settings can be changed from the settings of the browser you are using.

To change these settings, the links below may help:

Cookie settings in Internet Explorer
Cookie settings in Firefox
Cookie settings in Chrome
Cookie settings in Safari

For the settings of cookies generated by third parties, you can also consult the website:

If you want to find out more information about cookies and what they are used for, we recommend the following links:

Microsoft Cookies guide
All About Cookies

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